Information > Examples and solutions

Examples and solutions

  • How to Automate Your Hiring Process with FossLook

    It doesn't matter if it's a small company or a huge enterprise, automating human resources (HR) department will increase company's productivity and profit. In this article we'll look at how you can au...

  • How to Manage Your Customers with FossLook

    Many organizations or entrepreneurs are faced with the problem of customer management. Often this problem is solved with the help of Excel spreadsheet, or the more "advanced" version - Google Drive.

  • How to use Fosslook as a Database for Sociology Studies

    The most routine part of the sociologists work is surveying the groups of people and recording the resulting data to the database for further study. Therefore, sociologists are looking for a solution ...

  • Working With Complex Documents in Word and FossLook

    In today’s world quite often we work with the documents that are becoming more complex in their structure. Even in a relatively small organization, you need to coordinate the work of several people to...

  • Business Solutions Based on FossLook EDMS platform

    In today's business there are many tasks and processes that don't fit into one standard template. In many companies, there comes a time when people realize that processes in the company require indivi...

  • Creating Student Group Timetables with FossLook

    The article describes an example of how you can use FossLook to automate certain aspects of the educational process. In particular, things like scheduling of classes and remote interaction of teachers...

  • Creating business application

    Defining solution's boundaries for business applications Creating of a “Contractors” warehouse Creating of a library Creating of a document type Document func...

  • Defining solution boundaries for business applications

    First, you need to determine the boundaries of your solution. We assume that you need:

  • Configuring access to folder

    Not all users should have possibility to change contractor data. This is why we should configure access to “Correspondents” folder.

  • Configuring access to folders

    Let’s grant appropriate rights and permissions to existing folders. Grant “View” permission to “Marketing documents” folder for “Everyone” group. This will allow all system users to see this folder in...

  • “Marketing document” basic document type

    At first let’s create “Marketing documents” library.

  • Creating of “Presentation” document type

    Document functions Document fields

  • Creating “Correspondents and contacts” warehouse

    Creating library Creating document type Document functions Document fields Configuring access to a folder

  • Creating “Marketing documents” warehouse

    Creating basic document type named “Marketing document” Using the mechanism of "Inherited document types" Using the mechanism of adding fields Customizing folder’s view Con...

  • Creating of a documents library

    Start the Administration Wizard, proceed to the “Documents library” page and press

  • Customizing folder’s view for a business application

    As we can see from our library all our folders are placed in root, this is the way the system place them. Let’s create our hierarchical structure of folders. But first we should rename folders acti...

  • Document fields for “Correspondent” document type

    Now let’s define the document’s fields. We assume that we need the following fields describing our accounts:

  • Document functions

    Let’s determine functions that will be present in our document type “Contractor”.

  • Documents’ route pattern

    Preparation of the route Testing the route

  • Work with a document route

    Let’s create template of the route for marketing department where commercial proposals are preparing. To do this place cursor on this department and click “Edit”

  • Testing the document's route

    Let’s test newly created route pattern. To do this, create an “Offer” document on behalf of employee of the marketing department.

  • Business application testing

    Now let’s see if created storehouses meet their stated requirements. We will log into the system as Helen Richardson, who needs to see the whole database structure as it belongs to the group “Work...

  • Customizing folder’s view

    Orders Routing a document Managing route points Parallel route Serial route Serial/Parallel route Working with orders Order “For examination” ...

  • Inherited document types

    Document types “Offer” and “Technical proposal” will differ with each other only by two fields. There will be “Offer valid until” field in the “Commercial offer”, and “Technical proposal” will have...

  • Adding fields to FossLook document

    Now we need to create a “Presentations” type of document. This document type will be different from a base type of document, but we can use some of the fields, changing them slightly. Create a “...

  • Managing Documents Effectively with FossLook

    Effective document management plays a huge role in organization of the working process. As number of content employees grows, the need for streamlined, refined document management is becoming more app...

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