Preparation of the route
Let’s create template of the route for marketing department where commercial proposals are preparing.
To do this place cursor on this department and click “Edit”
Got to tab “Routes” and click “Create”
Select “Base route”
and enter name of the route.
Next click
and select point “For approval”.
Fill in all fields of order.
Enter deadline value in days. In the future, at the route startup, the system will correctly substitute the real dates.
Field “Author” will be filled automatically with name of user who stored the route.
If you want to set up a particular person as author of the route regardless of who created route you can specify particular user.
Create rest of points in the same way. Take in account that last point will be “For execution (auto close)”, not “For approval”.
As result we will get a parallel route with four points.
Using buttons
place route points in right order.
Turn on feature “OR”
for parallel part of route.
In this mode route will be continued even if one of executors will close the route point.
It doesn’t matter who, Mickle Williams or Katrin Potter will approve or don't approve commercial offer,
it will be considered as approved or not approved.
Below is our route pattern.
You can protect the route pattern from modifications at the time of its launch by user. Corresponding buttons on the template route are intended for this purpose. Pull-down menu is used to define the relevant route points for such protection.
Testing the route
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