Using the mechanism of “Inherited document types”

Document types “Offer” and “Technical proposal” will differ with each other only by two fields. There will be “Offer valid until” field in the “Commercial offer”, and “Technical proposal” will have the “Term of realization” field. To create these document types we will use the mechanism of inherited document types.

Let’s start from “Technical proposal”. To do this click

Next enter name of document type and select “Advanced”.

Now select “Marketing document” (which could be found in the “Document’s child types” section), from where the “Technical proposal” document type will inherit its properties.

As result, in our document type “Technical proposal” will be added all fields from “Marketing document”.

Now it is necessary to create another field “Term of realization” and the type of document is ready.

Create “Offer” the same way.

Using the mechanism of adding fields

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