FossLook Field Types

Each FossLook document consists of a set of fields, tabs and attached files.

The platform supports 15 types of document fields. When creating the document you need to specify the type of fields that it's going to have. You can choose the field type according to the data it should contain. If the field should contain a date value, then choose the date field type, etc.

Sometimes it may be tricky to figure out which field type to use in a particular situation. In that case you can contact our support team and they will always help you with your choice.

General document presentation

When you create your custom document type, you are presented with a list of different field types to add to it.

All available field types are shown in the figure below:

General list of field types

Let's look at each of them a bit closer.

String Field Types

The string field types include:

  • String (searchable);
  • Multi-string (searchable);
  • String (non-searchable).

Indexed fields differ from the others, because their values can be searched within the documents in the database. Non-searchable "String" field types can store one line of data. The maximum size of a "String" field type is not limited. "Multi-string (searchable)" field type allows you to enter string values in a few lines.

String field type in FossLook

You can specify the following properties for String field types:

  • Required field — determines whether the field is required.
  • Minimum — the minimum number of characters for the field value. If empty, the minimum is not limited.
  • Maximum — the maximum number of characters for the field value. Maximum number of characters for the indexed string fields can not be greater than 450. The maximum is not limited for not indexed "String" field type.


This field type is used to implement the checkbox functionality. Only "Required" option is available for this field type.

Boolean field type


This type is used for numeric data.

Numeric field type

You can specify the following properties for Numerical field types:

  • Required — determines whether the field is required.
  • Minimum — the minimum value. If empty, the minimum is not limited.
  • Maximum — the maximum value. Maximum value can't be less than Minimum.
  • Number of digits after the decimal point — determines the number of decimal places (minimum 0 digits, maximum 5 digits).


This field type is used to enter currency data into the document fields.

Currency field type

You can specify the following properties for currency field types:

  • Required — determines whether the field is required.
  • Minimum — the minimum value. If empty, the minimum is not limited.
  • Maximum — the maximum value. Maximum value can't be less than Minimum.
  • Currency symbol — defines a currency symbol that will be displayed after the digits.

Date/Time Field Types

Date/Time field types can be the following:

  • Date;
  • Date/Time;
  • Time.

These field types allow users to enter the date, date/time and time respectively.

Date/Time field type

You can specify the following properties for Date/Time field types:

  • Required — determines whether the field is required.
  • Don't use timezone correction — if checked, values entered in the fields will ignore users time zone. If you leave the field blank, the date and time will be recalculated based on the World Time.

Dictionary Field Types

Dictionary field types are the following:

  • Dictionary field;
  • Multidictionary field.

Fields of this category are used to connect document fields with corresponding records in the dictionary. Moreover, if you use "Multidictionary" field type, you can connect one document field with multiple records in the dictionary.

Dictionary field types

You can specify the following properties for Dictionary field types:

  • Required — determines whether the field is required.
  • Dictionary — name of the linked dictionary. If you specify a nonexistent dictionary, system will create the dictionary with the given name automatically.
  • Show as tab — this property appears only in the field type "Multidictionary". Determines the way users select dictionary values, either using one field, or in the separate tab of the document.

After saving the document, you can open linked dictionary of the reference field using the context menu:

Opening dictionary from field properties form

"Link to the Document" Field Types

Two types of this field are supported:

  • Link to the document;
  • Links to the documents.

The first variant allows you to link to only one document, whereas second one allows you to provide links to multiple documents.

This field type is used to reference the document from a specified folder:

Reference field types

You can specify the following properties for Reference field types:

  • Required — determines whether the field is required.
  • Folder — reference folder that contains documents. If a folder is not specified, the user will be able to create links starting from the root folder of his/her directory tree.
  • Show as tab — this property appears only in the field type "Links to the document". Determines the way users select dictionary values, either using one field, or in the separate tab of the document.
  • Links editor — using this function you can link documents automatically. More details on this can be found here.

Child Document Field Type

This field type allows to create a link to any child document within the document card.

Subdocuments field type
  • Required — determines whether the field is required.
  • Document type — child document type. Must not be empty.

Child Documents Field Type

This field type allows to create a tab in the document where user can create multiple child documents of the specified type.

Subdocuments field type
  • Required — determines whether the field is required.
  • Document type — child documents type. Must not be empty.

More information on how to create your own document type using different types of fields you can find here.

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