Document Publication in FossLook

Publication is a final step in document's processing Processed documents do not need to be stored in hard copy anymore. FossLook platform can store, index and retrieve any document at any time. After publication, document is available for everyone in your company.

Setting up Documents Publication

Starting from version 5.5. users can publish any documents to a certain folders, giving the opportunity for other users and user groups to see them.

The general principle of documents publication:

  • documents are published in the folder which is created earlier in the system;
  • user access rights are assigned on a folder for publishing;
  • at the moment of document publication, the system automatically assigns the same access rights for the documents as the folder in which the document is published;
  • to publish documents users should use special route point called "Documents publication point";
  • publication of the document doesn't remove it from its original location - it remains there by reference.

Let's look at the example. Suppose we want to publish our document "Marketing plan" into "Advertising archives" folder. Also, we want our published documents to be available for all users of the system with read-only permissions.

First, let's create corresponding folder. To do this, we go to our document's library and create a folder by selecting "Create New" from the "Folders" context menu.

Creating a folder for documents publication

Then, select the name of the folder that corresponds to our document type. In general, you can choose any name, it can be easily renamed later.

Selecting a folder type

Enter a folder name and click "Save changes and close".

Advertising archive folder

Now we need to set up the access rights for this folder. (For more information about access rights you can refer to the article Providing access to folders with documents.

First, you need to provide access to this folder for the user group "Everyone", and to do this, you need to break the inheritance rights,

Breaking the inheritance

and giving the group "Everyone" read access.

Allow read-only permissions for the group Everyone

The next step is to create publication workflow template with special route point called "Publication point". To do this in the administration program navigate to the "Routing templates" and click "Create". After that, select "Workflow".

Publication Route template

Enter the name of the workflow. Then, using "Add route point" button, add "Publication point" to the workflow.

Inserting publication point into the workflow template

Now we need to select a previously created folder "Advertising archives" and save the workflow template.

Selecting a publication folder

As a result we have a route template "Advertising materials publication" that contains a publication point. Publication point may be one of several points in the route and follow, for example, approval point, or execution point.

Workflow template

Documents Publication by User

User who has access to the folder where documents that need to be published are stored can publish any of them. To do this, select a document,

Slecting a document for publication

open it, select the menu item "Route by template",

Document publication

and route the document using our "Advertising materials publication" template.

Selecting a publication template

When the routing task is complete, our document will be published in "Advertising archives" folder.

A published document in the folder

and the access rights of the document will be changed according with those set on the folder. In our case, even the author of the document can not change the contents of the document.

Document permissions after publication

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