Information > Workflows


  • Joint working with documents

    The FossLook system provides some options for joint working with documents. You can organize the general access to folders and documents or to use the methods described in this article.

  • Sending document for approval

    To send a document for approval, you have to choose the corresponding order type

  • «For execution» order (automatic closing)

    To send a document for execution automatically, you have to select the appropriate order type

  • Sending document for examination

    To send a document for examination by your employee(-s), you have to choose the corresponding order's type

  • Sending document for execution (manual close)

    To send a document for execution with manual closing, you have to choose the corresponding order type

  • Sending document to department

    Orders that are sent for execution to the whole department will come into the "Inbox" folder of all employees of this department. Initially, the executor of such order will be the whole department....

  • FossLook: order types

    “For examination” Order “For execution (auto close)” Order “For execution (manual close)” Order “For approval” Order Order execution sent to department After the route launch ...

  • Orders

    To send instructions for documents, select the “Send on route” menu item, and the desired type of instruction.

  • Managing route points

    You can add or delete existing orders. Order routes can be edited directly with the help of “Routes” tab which is available within the document's card. Orders are presented in a table view in the ...

  • Parallel route of the document

    By default, when you create a route, it has a parallel route. This means that all the tasks, and documents will go to all of the receivers simultaneously.

  • Serial/parallel route of the document

    By changing the sequence of route points it is possible to build serial/parallel route.

  • Serial route of the document

    By moving the route point it is possible to build serial route. In serial routes next point starts only after the closing of the previous one.

  • Documents routing

    After preparing all orders they are presented in the form of the document routing. Each order is a route's waypoint.

  • Sending files via e-mail

    Often, in order to collaborate on a document, the document is sent as a file from one user to the next via e-mail. The disadvantage of this is that several copies of the document are made, and each...

  • FossLook opportunities

    Orders Documents routing Managing route points Parallel route Serial route Serial/parallel route Working with orders Order “For Examination” ...

  • Document routes management

    By default, the FossLook system routes author is free to delete his/her routes in the documents. To allow other users to delete routes in the documents in the system, starting with version 5.3, has be...

  • Document routing based on the FossLook EDMS platform

    You can organize documents routing between employees and departments with the help of documents routing module which is the part of FossLook EDMS platform. If you need to send the electronic document...

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