FossLook Installation

This article contains basic installation instructions for the FossLook Automation Platform, to help you get it up and running in no time. If you encounter difficulties, you can contact our staff at any time by filling in a form on our "Feedback" page. After the installation, we recommend you to read the Getting Started article to start using the system right away.

Downloading the Installation Package

Navigate to our Download page and select the desired product version. Click the Download button and save the self-extracting archive to your hard drive.

Downloaded sfx archive

Run the executable file and you'll see the extraction process after which the launcher window will show up.

Sfx archive extraction

Installation Menu

FossLookLauncher allows you to begin installation process or find out more about the system:

Business automation and document management system launcher

Content of the FossLook Installation Package

If, for some reason, you encountered problems with the auto-launch, you can extract the files from the downloaded archive using 7-Zip software, and install it manually. The installation package contains the following files:

  • FossLookLauncher - the program that allows you to install applications or find out more about the system.
  • fosslook - folder that contains .msi installation files of the server and client. It also contains a folder with the license and demo solution.
  • manual.txt - short notes about deploying the installation on the host without internet connection.

Server installation

Click “Server installation” or run FossLookServerSetup.exe to start the installation process. The program automatically downloads necessary components from internet:

Downloading .NET Framework и SQL Express components

After downloading and installing all necessary components you will be prompted to install FossLook server:

FossLook application server installation

Agree with the License Agreement (check the corresponding checkbox) and click "Install" button. Server installation will proceed. Wait for installation to finish.

FossLook Server Installation - Finishing

Automatic installation process consists of a several stages such as local MySQL server installation, new database creation and instance configuration. After successful installation, server automatically configures a new instance - it takes a license file from the solution folder and connects all necessary external modules:

FossLook Server - Server Instance Configuration

After the instance configuration make sure that the server is installed and works in Windows services:

FossLook Server Service

FossLook Administrator usually installed together with the server.

In the Windows "Start" menu, you can find additional service applications, which are installed with the server:

Start Menu - FossLook

Important Notice: two variants of "Administration Software" are available in your Windows Start menu. One of them is "Fosslook Administrator", another one is "FossLook Administrator (Advanced Mode)".

It's strongly recommended to use simple "Fosslook Administrator" for the first time when you are learning the system. It's quite powerful and can perform the majority of the administration functions. Advanced mode provides an interface that is suitable for experts of the Fosslook platform. It's not necessary to use it in the daily work.

To learn how to log in to the "Fosslook Administrator", please refer to "Logging in to the System" article. More information about the structure of applications and functions can be found in the "Architecture and program structure of FossLook" article.

Client installation

To begin the process of installation click the “Client installation” link or run FossLookClientSetup.exe. Installation automatically downloads necessary Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile component from the internet. You can manually download and install this component on user’s computers before client installation. If you have already downloaded Microsoft.NET Framework 4 manually for the server installation, you can use it on the client machine as well.

How to uninstall FossLook

To remove/uninstall one of the FossLook applications from your computer head over to Windows Control Panel, select application you want to remove (Client, Administrator or Sever) and click "Uninstall" button. A screen with “FossLook server configuration wizard” on it will appear:

FossLook uninstalling

Attention! "Delete information about..." option removes all configured server instances including database files, so it is strongly recommended to make a backup first.

Ok, once you've done with the installation the next step we recommend is to read our Getting started guide for more detailed instructions on working with FossLook.

Next, Read FossLook Quick-Start Guide

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